Thursday, December 5, 2013

Humans and their repugnant desires....

          Carl Jung recognized an intimate dynamic between fathers and daughters calling it the Electra Complex, after the Greek mythological character Electra who displayed extreme devotion to her father. This complex highlights how a daughter during her sexual development wishes to eliminate her mother and becomes sexually attached to her father. This theory was discussed with Dora and since Nora is thought to be a pseudonym, it only seems appropriate to look at how the Electra Complex has manifested in The Interpretation of Murder.      
          In the psychoanalysis of Nora Acton by Dr. Younger, it is said that she wishes to sodomize her father. There is an apparent tension between Nora and her complicated family past and specifically her father. Once hysteria develops Nora resents the internal conflict of the Electra Complex and wishes to sodomize and rid of her father and his control. This emotional investigation into Nora's hysteria can lead to unusual patient/doctor relationships.
           As seen in Dora, the doctor can easily be transferred into the role of the patient’s father when such tensions enter the room; Younger had clearly struggled with these feelings towards Nora when quoting Hamlets, “To be or not to be” speech. However, he struggles with the fact that she has expressed the Electra Complex and continues to say it leads him to lose faith in love all together, “how can human beings be loved if we carry within us such repugnant desires?” (pg. 204) Freud has illuminated the psychological truths regarding human development and interactions however have they been proven wrong based on their inadequate representations or the fact that the truth that is illuminated is too rough to digest? Was America truly ready for what he had brought overseas?

                                        Modern Electra Complex in our beloved Miley Cyrus

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