Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Grandfather writes letter to daughter after she kicks out gay his grandson

This article relates to the Freudian concept of sexual instinct how he brings up the fable how human beings were cut up into two halves and how they would long to unite. And states that "there are men whose sexual object is a woman and not a woman, and women whose sexual object is a woman and not a man." Describing them as inverts and being born this way in a sense, which I found to relate to this article even though not seemingly so at a first glance. This grandfather writes a letter to his daughter about kicking her son, his grandson out because he is gay, which he found an "abomination" in itself because he was "born this way" and not "raised" that why.


  1. I would definitely agree that this story fits in with Freudian sexual instinct and about inversion. Also, it makes me wonder how the Oedipus Complex, or the Electra Complex fits in here. Maybe Freud might have something to say about the rejection the boy experiences from his mother, who is supposedly meant to be his object of yearning, and how that might connect to his current sexuality. Or perhaps he might consider his sexuality innate, but theorize that his mother's rejection of her son was based on an unhealthy relationship between the grandfather and mother from the start.

  2. As we've mentioned several times before, Freud doesn't really believe that there is a specific group of people who are "born this way": we're all born that way!
    Freud certainly objected to the American puritanical spirit that seems to have taken a hold of the daughter!


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