Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Symbolic satisfaction in his cultivation of Mother Earth

"The introduction of agriculture increased the sons importance in the patriarchal family. He ventured upon new demonstrations of his incestuous libido, which found symbolic satisfaction in his cultivation of Mother Earth" (507)

In Freud's essay "Totem and Taboo" he postulates that the sons need to be in the father-god position is what led to the increased stress on agriculture. This is a point that seems to ring true today. After agriculture was introduced live span increased, culture was formed etc. If one could control the land (as equitably as one controlled the mother) you could rule the world. Today companies such as Monsanto and Pitzer are trying to do just that.

Currently Monsanto owns 90% of the worlds GMO seeds. And as thousand of patent lawsuits are being turned down Monsanto not only is on its way to owning all gmo seed rights, but the rights of most heirloom seeds and land as well: "MoU’s or memorandum’s of understanding permit Monsanto to use publicly owned lands to create so called demonstration farms, which in India are subsidized by the government" Dr. Vandana Shiva has fought against this massive company to retain seed biodiversity throughout the years. Shiva states that: "“the MoU’s will in effect, facilitate bio-piracy of Rajasthan’s rich biodiversity of draught -resilient crops …. by failing to have any clauses that respect the Biodiversity Act and the Farmers’ Rights Act, the MoU’s promote bio-piracy and legalize the great seed robbery.”
Clearly the massive pull to monopolize the agriculture industry is for the economic gain, but physiologically it could lead back to the roots of domination over the mother. All vegetation is as well male and female. The female fruits and vegetables are the ones that produce fruit( although some are both male and female in one). The need to dominate production could also go back to a mans envy of the woman's capability to produce. By dominating the food industry this need could be cured.


  1. This is a cool connection, and I especially agree with the ideas of domination you mentioned. Agriculture and the concept of "Mother Earth" have such strong cultural histories of being gendered by society and viewed as a system that can be controlled through force. The domination of Monsanto reinforces the patriarchal system of power/control, particularly since it is dominating such a vivid (and universal) image of the mother.

  2. This is a cool connection, and I especially agree with the ideas of domination you mentioned. Agriculture and the concept of "Mother Earth" have such strong cultural histories of being gendered by society and viewed as a system that can be controlled through force. The domination of Monsanto reinforces the patriarchal system of power/control, particularly since it is dominating such a vivid (and universal) image of the mother.


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